驚くほど健康的なビール!? / A Surprisingly Healthy Beer!?
When returning home from mountain climbing, why not stop by Lantern?
Their latest Sour Ale style beer, that you could swear was just Mikan juice at first glance is a must try!
300 L分のビールの量で東村山の農家が育てているミカン(100 kg以上、手搾りの後は56 Lぐらいの量となりました)と、八王子の磯沼ミルクファームのプレミアムヨーグルト(2 L)を使い、まるでビタミンと乳酸菌の爆弾となっています。
A little over 100 kg of mikan from Higashimurayama (which translated to around 56 L of mikan juice when pressed), together with 2 L of Premium Yoghurt from Isonuma Milk Farm in Hachioji for a batch of around 300 L of beer. It’s a veritable lactic acid bacteria bomb, just swelling with yummy sourness.
Takao Beerのオーナー池田さんはできるだけローカルな材料を使って美味しいビールを作っています。
The owner of Takao Beer, Mr. Ikeda prefers to use local products or ingredients that friends provide when making his delicious beers.

山登りの帰り中で一杯いかがでしょうか? On your way home from Takao, why not swing by for a glass?
This beer has a very sour aroma with hints of citrus to it, the taste goes from a sharp acidic fruitiness that transforms into a fresh citrusy sweetness with hints of yoghurt lingering.
“The Mikans”を飲みながら話を聞くと、実はその強い酸味はミカンからではなく、乳酸菌から発生したの酸味だそうです。乳酸菌がここまでしっかりした酸っぱさを引き出せるとは…ミカンの香りと混ざっているおかげでミカンの酸味と騙されます。
While tasting “The Mikans” and talking to Mr. Ikeda, I was told that the sharp acidity does not actually hail from the mikan, but the lactic acid of the yoghurt. Which blends with the aroma and flavours of the mikan and fools your senses into thinking it is a very sour mikan.
It’s like drinking a carbonated very sour mikan juice, and it kinda threw me off, in a pleasant way.
データ – Data
【商品名/Product Name】The Mikans
【ブルワリー/Brewery】Takao Beer Co.
【ビールスタイル/Beer Style】サワーフルーツエー (Sour Ale – Fruited)
【アルコール分/Alcohol】 4.5% ABV – 15 IBU
A Sour Ale with very fresh citrusy flavour and an explosion of lactic acid goodness.
LanternはTakao Beer Co.がやってるタップルームです、高尾駅のJR線の北口の目の前にありますよ。タクシー乗り場の反対側なので、駅から徒歩およそ10秒。
Have you ever climbed a mountain and on your way home, you find your throat dry and yearning for a good beer? Why not get off the train at Takao Station and stop by Lantern?
Lantern is the taproom of Takao Beer Co. just a stone throw away from the North exit off JR East’s Chuo Line, just across the Taxi waiting area.

お持ち帰りもできます! Take out is also avaliable!
※Currently due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the amount of customer seats are limited, however plastic cups are also available for Take-Out.
Where to find Lantern: Takao Station – JR East, Chuo Line north exit. Opposite of the Taxi waiting area.
高尾ビールのウェブサイト / Takao Beer Co. Website